Food Distribution

Food is a basic need for all, yet sadly, 38 million people, including 12 million children, face food insecurities in the United States. Our mission is twofold: first, to help people struggling with food insecurity, and second, to raise awareness.

In addition to alleviating hunger, we aim to educate the public about the realities of food insecurity and its causes. We believe that only by understanding the problem can we hope to find a lasting solution. Our programs aim to help ease the burdens of struggling families by providing the tools they need. Every little bit counts, and together we'll make a difference.

Old School Food Pantry

The Old School Food Pantry operates at the former Holy Savior School at 115 Maine Ave. in Rumford. We serve all residents of the River Valley area. There are NO income guidelines or restrictions.

2022 Spring and Summer Hours are every Wednesday from 3-6pm. You can visit the pantry once a month, but can receive produce every week. 

Please visit our Facebook page for the most current information or call
364-7408 with any questions.

School Food

The School Food Backpack Program is made possible through the Gorman Grant, Poland Springs Community Fund through Rumford, and other smaller private foundation grants. Funding allows RVHCC to provide families with non-perishable food items such as cereal, canned veggies, fruit, meat, rice, pasta, soups, and essential items. During vacation break (December, February, and April), the food bags go out to every school in RSU 10 and RSU 56. We typically hand out 175-200 bags for each vacation break. 

In addition, funding from Oxford County Credit Union, Franklin Saving Bank, and Bangor Savings Bank has graciously provided the bags we use for the food. With their support, we can spend more money on food to fill the bags. We are so grateful for their assistance in helping to make a difference.

Past Programs & Initiatives

Emergency Food Boxes

Our Emergency Food Boxes were a past initiative that RVHCC offered before and during the COVID-19 pandemic.  During this time, RVHCC worked with partner organizations to help families or individuals with 3-day emergency food boxes till they could get to a food pantry in the community or access General Assistance.

Meals To-Go

RVHCC worked with the Holy Savior Church to provide Meals-To-Go during the pandemic for older Mainers. We provided roughly 30-40 meals once a month.

USDA Farm to Family

The USDA Farm to Families Food Box program was designed and implemented as a temporary, emergency relief effort during the pandemic. The program consists of USDA purchases of American-grown produce, meat, and dairy products for food boxes distributed nationwide to people in need. RVHCC hosted six community food distributions and handed out over 8,000 boxes to families in need.